Over the past few months, the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (DTIC) and the National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications (NRCS) received numerous complaints from industry stakeholders and consumers about the sale of illegally treated timber.
The NRCS is responsible for administering the Compulsory Specification for the Preservative Treatment of Timber, VC 9092. The specification covers requirements for manufacturing, importing, marking properties, and distributing and selling treated timber, including poles.
Legal treaters are impacted and concerned about the safety of consumers who buy or use poles that appear to be treated but are destined to fail, possibly with fatal results. The illegal industry is misleading the public and undermining the businesses that pay for legal compliance.
Red the full report here – https://www.woodbizafrica.co.za/may-2024-issue-37/#may-2024-issue-37/4/