EventsFurniture DesignFurniture ManufacturingSkills DevelopmentFurniture Design Competition Call For Entries Flyer_2023

Are you a South African professional designer or design student? Do you believe furniture should improve our quality of life, be functional, and complement the space in which it is located?

Proudly brought to you by the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (the dtic), the South African Furniture Initiative (SAFI), Proudly South African, and their industry partners.

The Furniture Design Competition is open to: Professional Designers and/or Manufacturers, and registered Design Students


You are required to come up with a design that can be used to take a seat in our great South African outdoors.

For more information, visit or our sponsors’ pages for the link.
Alternatively, contact us via email at or call Ms Tsholofelo Motaung on 012 394 1260 / 066 290 6957.


Details & entry forms can be found below:

Furn Design Competition Call For Entries Flyer_2023.pdf Edit

Furniture comp_ Call for Entries Competition Brief 2023

Furniture Comp_ Entry Forms_Established Category 2023