Forests and fibre – A renewable and sustainable solution to the Just Transition, economic recovery, circular economy and climate change
You are invited by Fibre Circle, the South African producer responsibility organisation for paper and paper packaging and an official sponsor of the COP 26 South African pavilion, to participate in a side event, co-hosted by the International Council of Forest and Paper Associations (ICFPA).
Timber plantations, also referred to as farmed trees, represent 7% of the planet’s forest area, but provide half of the wood for industrial purposes – from timber, tissue and textiles, to printer paper, packaging, chemicals and pharmaceuticals. Sustainably managed, they are uniquely positioned to answer the explicit call of the Paris Agreement: to conserve and enhance forests and other biological carbon reservoirs. Not only is the forestry sector a key player in mitigating climate change through the age-old natural process of carbon sequestration and carbon storage in harvested wood products we use every day, but it supports economies, communities and human life.
Join us for an interactive and enlightening discussion on how the forestry sector and harvested wood products can deliver a sustainable and reliable solution to climate change.
Thursday, 11 November 2021
12:30 to 14:00 (GMT) / 14:30 to 16:00 South Africa
Please RSVP using this link* so we can add you to our list and send you the relevant registration links once available from the organisers.
Please find the programme and speaker information attached.
Samantha Choles
082 452 2566
* A few people have reported difficulty with accessing the link. It could be a firewall issue. If you have problems, let us know and we will add you manually.